All Things Green Man & The Traditional Jack-in-the-Green

Posts tagged “May 1st

Annual Events 2024

The Snowdrops are in full bloom and that of course means that it’s that time of the year when I begin the task of updating the list of annual events that feature The Traditional Jack-in-the-Green and The Green Man throughout the UK.

The full list is HERE and I will be updating it regularly. Confirmations of events are beginning to come in thick and fast. You will find links to each events own website or Facebook page on our annual events page so that you can check details on times and locations.

Please do get in touch if you are an organiser or follower of a particular event and can confirm that it is going ahead and I will ensure that I promote your event within these pages.

If you are new to these pages and are wondering just what on earth a Jack in the Green is then your whistle stop tour of the history of the Traditional Jack in the Green can be found right HERE.

And everything that you need to know about the modern revived Jacks can be found HERE

My thanks to Hugh Lawrence for permission to use his wonderful picture of last years Bristol Jack in the Green above.

Merry May Day to one and all!

At the time this post appears, as the sun rises just after 5:30 on May 1st 2010 a number of Jack-in -the-Greens will be awoken across the UK. They will parade around towns, villages and cities bringing the summer and “Jacks Magic” with them. 

 A Merry May Day and a Happy Beltaine to one and all!

A Riddle

I am born on May Morning by sticks, bells, and ribbons
I am the sap in the dark root
I am the dancer with his six fools
I am the tump behind the old church
I am the lost soul under the misericord
I am the oak against the stars
I am the face that peers through the leaves
I am the fear in a childs mind
I am the demon on the roof-boss
I am killed in October and laid on church altars
I am the guiser on the bright bonfire
I am the old grain sown with the seed
I am the flame in the pumpkins grin
I am the spirit in the kern-baby’s bosom