All Things Green Man & The Traditional Jack-in-the-Green

Posts tagged “devon

Sightings – Ashburton Devon

My thanks to Nick Booth for some great pictures from St Andrews in Ashburton, Devon. Readers of our e-newsletter will know that when I visited St Andrews last year workmen were in the process of replacing the floor, so I had trouble getting access to all the Green Men there. Nick managed to find all the elusive Green Men on a visit. Here are the first two Nick discovered on roof bosses.  More to follow next week.

Sighting – East Budleigh, Devon

All Saints Church, East Budleigh, Devon, copyright Alice Nunn

My thanks to Alice Nunn for verifying and photographing this wonderful disgorging green man from All Saints Church at East Budleigh in Devon.

There are also some bench ends reported here which Alice verified but unfortunately it was too dark to photograph them. One for the next visitor!

I’m always grateful for any new sightings, photographs or verifications for the Gazetteer and the Flickr photographic archive. Please use the contact tab above to get in touch.

Any new sightings or verifications are added to the gazetteer and the finder/verifiers name is always detailed (unless they prefer to remain anonymous).

Copyright for any pictures added to our Flickr archive always remains with the original photographer as does full control over how the pictures are used. I will never use anybody’s images for any commercial use without full written permission. occasionally I get requests to use pictures for books, magazines etc. and these requests are passed directly on to the original photographer so that they can benefit from their own work.

You can visit our Flickr archive HERE

New Sighting – Ilsington Devon

Ilsington 1

During a recent holiday on Dartmoor in Devon a little bit of Green Man hunting took place. This remarkable disgorging roof boss was discovered in the 15th century church of St Michael at Ilsington.

A number of intriguingly moustachioed bosses tried to distract and confuse us. But finally there he was peering down from on high to add as a completely new entry to the gazetteer. Always a great feeling when a previously unreported green man appears out of the gloom of a church ceiling.

More pictures are available in our Flickr archive HERE

The Green Man: Sin and Salvation in Medieval Devon

St. Michael and All Angels, Mount Dinham

Parish of St. David, Exeter

St. Michael’s Lectures 2011

Wednesday 11th May, 7.30pm

The Green Man: Sin and Salvation in Medieval Devon

Sue Andrew

The lecture focuses on a motif that is striking in its ubiquity. It shows a human head with leaves sprouting from the mouth and sometimes also from eyes, ears and nose. Commonly referred to as the ‘Green Man’, the figure has been the subject of much speculation. The lecture, which is accompanied by many images, will suggest that the Green Man, during the late medieval period, was firmly rooted in notions of sin and salvation.

Sue Andrew is a PhD student in the Department of Art History at Plymouth University, the subject of her thesis being ‘Late Medieval Roof Bosses in the Parish Churches of Devon’. Sue hopes that her researches will cast new light on the church and its people in pre-Reformation Devon.


The lectures are open to all and admission is free (there is a voluntary retiring collection). St. Michael’s Church is the church with the tall spire (Mount Dinham, Dinham Road, Exeter, EX4 4EB) by the Iron Bridge on North St./St. David’s Hill. For further information contact David Beadle at or go to